Saturday, April 22, 2023

Putins New Culture


Нет больше замечательной русской культуры. Нет больше Толстого, нет больше Пушкина, нет больше Большого театра.
Возникновение новой российской путинской культуры

There is no more wonderful Russian culture. No more Tolstoy, no more Pushkin, no more Bolshoi Theatre. The Emergence of a New Russian Putin Culture

Monday, April 17, 2023

Monday, October 31, 2022

Face & Fist - pro-choice movements

 My body my choice 

About the issues of sexual and reproductive rights; and more specifically pro-choice movements and the fight for the right to abortion not only in Europe but in the world. Which how ever this rights come more and more again under pressure or to be again banned